Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Project finshed

Finally finished everything - graphics, programming, and even putting it up the internet! Here's the link to my hypercomic: http://www.williamsiah.com/littlebighero/

It may take sometime to load as the file is quite big.

I thank everyone who helped me out, gave me support to accomplish my final project. Although a bit different from my initial ideas and development, it is a good learning process and I feel satisfied about it.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Major programming solved

I am relieved to solve the problems of my Action Script with the help of my classmate, Evie. But there are still minor glitches which I am unable to solve no matter how I try, such as resolution problems and getting my comic panels to move as it should be. I will try to look for my tutor - Yi Wei to help me solve those errors although I am not scheduled under his tutorial sessions. Sweii has been kind enough to arrange tutorial sessions with him for the weeks to come just to help me with my project.